Friday, August 31, 2012

Premium Rush

7 /10 STARS
Thirty minutes in and I was still waiting for the part where Joseph Gordon-Levitt would time travel. Only to find out that's another movie he stars in that will be released later on this year called Looper.

Honestly, the first thing that comes to mind is; Wow look at all those actors just riding in NY on bikes...This storyline must be a complete drag. How could a movie that focuses on people pedaling be entertaining?

I asked myself this question during and after the movie. I applaud the director and his crew for executing this task with flying colors.

The editing and the notion of a timeline definitely defined Premium Rush.

Soundtrack good. Great choice of actor lead. Great humor. A few scenes that made you flinch.

All around a good film. Definitely check it out! You want regret it.

I rate this film 7 stars.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Expendables 2

I haven't seen the first film of this series so bare with me.
I swear the only reason why I went to see this film was because of Jet Li and Statham.
Liam Hemsworth made a brief appearance on the screen, and I thought was a bit random but hey why not.

But altogether I was just dissapointed in the fact that Jet Li was not present for a big chunk of the film.

Movie was jammed packed with actions sequences, and I must say all these actors have a unique sense of humor.

If you get the chance, go see it. 7 stars.

P.S Anyone else feel like the music score for this film resembled The Avengers?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Watch

Comedy with a mix of spice and alien-life...

This film was ten times better than previous comedic films I have watched (That's my boy and Ted). In general I preferred the type of humor scripted in this film.
I think what caught my eye about this film was the editing.  Although the plot was portrayed as comedic, some of the sequences utilized similar editing elements that would typically be found in a more serious action narrative film. It made (in my opinion) the film that more attractive alongside the good choice of film score music.

Plus, Stiller, Vaughn, Hill, and Ayoade make the perfect crew. Couldn't have chosen a better bunch. Vince and Jonah are just downright hilarious.

Overall great film, I enjoyed it very much and I rate this movie 6.5 stars.

Here is one of the tracks featured in the film:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Savages: "uncivilized"

That is the meaning of the term "savages".
All throughout the movie various characters used this term to describe the trio (Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, and Aaron Johnson). At the end of the film Black Lively used the term as well to describe themselves as "beautiful savages".

7 /10 STARS
I ponder if the entire film revolved around the notion that humans are "savages" since they are killing each other and acting in an uncivilized manner all to obtain one thing: drugs.

The plot was great, and definitely had a zig zag pattern between characters. Character development was good, as we witnessed one character's strength equalled the weakness of another character. Interestingly the mother daughter relationship and motherly perspective added a great touch to the film (played by Salma Hayek).

The sexual content was absolutely unnecessary as I believe it is pretty much in 99% of films as it serves no purpose in evolving character's and the plot. Also this film had some gory scenes and was disturbing in quite a few scenes.

However the editing of this film was unique. The film itself was to be presented as a journal from Blake Lively's point of view and this is depicted in particular not only through black and white shots, but the alternate endings at the end of the film.

On another note (spoiler alert), I ponder a line said by Salma Hayek concerning the love triangle between Blake, Taylor and Aaron. Basically Salma points out that love is not equal (threesome wise) in which Taylor and Aaron's bond must be deeper since they allow each other to share Blake. I thought this was an interesting statement.

Overall, this film offered a blend of action, seduction and suspense. I rated this film 7 stars.

Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted

7.5/10 STARS
I absolutely enjoyed this film.
First thing that comes to mind when you mention the title Madagascar, is the song "I like to move it".
Who doesn't like a dancing monkey and hippo swaying their hips side to side!
Europe's Most Wanted ranked just as high as the other 2 films in this trilogy.

What blew me away this time around were the graphics.

They were off the charts. I was truly amazed by the multiple colors and light strokes used throughout the circus scenes.
And of course the star of the show was Marty The Zebra forever entertaining us with his jokes and singing "AFRO CIRCUS".
Great family film overall, and hey if they come out with a 4th I can't wait.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman 3D

7/10 stars
Finally, an actual film that has a strong story line.
After being side tracked by these so-called comedic films, it was a relief to actually view a film that had a lot more substance and gave you more bang for your buck.

I'm going to be honest, when I first saw the trailer and the multiple ads for this film I was not happy. I did not understand the need for a re-make (that seems to be Hollywood's latest trend) after the last release of the Spiderman trilogy a few years back starring Tobey McGuire.

Going into the film I didn't know what to expect. To my surprise this Spiderman travels down a completely different route than its predecessor trilogy, looking at Peter's fathers research and how it ties into his world today. I don't want to reveal too much for those who haven't seen the film. But I will tell you this- Spiderman himself was built completely different than the previous Spiderman. I was told that this film apparently follows the story line as first written in Marvel comics. I have not checked this out myself but I find it interesting.

One thing is for sure, jokes were flying left right and center. The film score was just right, but what really stood out were the graphics. It is in no way comparable to the previous trilogy graphics. This offered a somewhat more animated feel. I really liked this movie, and the stars Andrew (Peter) and Emma (Gwen) were excellent choices for the part. I recommend everyone to check out it! I rate this film 7 stars.


Who doesn't like a talking Teddy Bear?
This movies cracked bare jokes. Even the narrator was a hoot.
Seth and Mila make a cute couple, but the obvious star of this film was the teddy bear.
This film has a particular sense of humor that may not appeal to everyone, just giving you the heads up.
I know for the first part of the film I wasn't laughing just appalled really by the jokes and the use of profanity.
I don't know why comedic films need such a strong use for profanity...ANYWAYS
Overall cute plot, not the best film. Better Adam Sandler's That's My Boy? Both films had their strengths and weaknesses. Although nudity was present more in Sandler's film. I rate this film 5.5 stars.

Magic Mike

First off, I never wanted to watch this film in the first place. But my friends dragged me to see it with them.
Overall, this is very much like going to a strip club. You pretty much see everything from thongs to abs,and of the course the provocative dances. Definitely, not my type of movie. But I was glad to see that Channing Tatum got to show off his dance skills again (coming from Step Up). Although surprisingly this movie had a pretty good story line and the ending was a bit of a shocker. So I rate this film 5.5 stars.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

That's My Boy

5 STARS/ 10
I am not a huge fan of Adam Sandler movies, although I thoroughly enjoyed his past film Spanglish. 
In terms of his more comedic films, I usually avoid but I decided to I give this one a try.
For starters, the 18A rating indicates the content explored in the film. There was a great deed of nudity and profanity, in which I did not think was necessary most of the time but anyways... Vanilla Ice does make an appearance which is cool.

This movie was funny, definitely had it's jokes. It's an okay film, if you get a chance go watch it.

Prometheus 3D

8.5/10 STARS
A true sci-fi film.
I did not know what to expect from this film.
After viewing this heart pounding trailer, I had concluded that perhaps it may resemble past sci-fi alien films such as Aliens Vs. Predators or the recent released Battleship (2012).
But I was wrong. This movie had twists and turns and was quite comical. The graphics were stunning and the overall plot and character development was good. The film goes on exploring the one major question that humans have tried to answered since our existence, 'who created us?' I really enjoyed this movie. I would have to say one of my fave by far this year. This film gets 8.5 stars.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Let It Shine (TV)

7/10 STARS
Okay, seriously can I get a round of applause? This movie was off the charts for a Disney movie. I haven't seen one this great since Lemonade Mouth (2011). Actually lately these 2 movies I can honestly rate and say have been more attractive than some box office movies.

The movie stars actor Tyler Williams ( Everybody Hates Chris) and upcoming Disney singing sensation Coco Jones. The storyline details the life of famous singer Roxie (Coco Jones) and her reunion with 2 old school friends as a result of a rap contest. A series of events occur when she assumes the wrong friend is the contest winner and they go along with it.

Let me just say and agree (as someone tweeted) that this film was x10 better than Camp Rock (2008). The storyline was much more complex and characters portrayed real life issues both at the friendship and parental level. The storyline also goes to tackle the ever famous debate on 'rap music' and it not being accepted by the church.

The music of course was the star of the show. The verses dropped were surprisingly deep, catchy, and just down right CREATIVE. I surely can't wait to grab a hold of this soundtrack.

All in all, this movie gets 7 stars.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Snow White and The Huntsman

6.5/10 STARS
I've waited MONTHS to see this movie.

Snow White and The Huntsmen is COMPLETELY different from the previously screened Mirror, Mirror.  This film was packed  with far more action sequences; the overall take on the film was a much more serious tone, and the graphics in this film excelled the latter.

I am a fan of Kirsten Stewart (Snow White) as well as Chris Hemsworth (Huntsman) and Charlize Theron (Evil Queen). To be honest, I think the cast was a perfect choice. They all did an exceptional job in their roles.  

The graphics in this film were STUNNING and just down right creative. For example the Evil Queen's Mirror was very cool, and did not resemble the typical mirror as seen through various film adaptations. The Queen's powers and flock of crows were also my favorite alongside her soldiers who would shatter into black spears.

The cinematography for this film as well as editing was excellent. One of my favourite scenes in the film (which can been seen in the trailer) was the Queen submerging into a bath of white paint (as it looks) and emerging once again. The scene with Kristen Stewart wondering among a fairy like land and wondering towards a light in the distance was also cleverly shot.

As for the film score music, I am excited and in complete awe with it.  Florence + The Machine performs one of the songs called "Breath of Life" which is played in the ending credits, and certainly ties the whole film together. The score was composed by James-Newton Howard ( Hunger Games, The Dark Knight) in which he incorporated Medieval Irish melodies.

One critique I have about this film is the lack of dialogue/ character lines for Snow White (Kristen Stewart). In this 2 hour film, her lines were short, and she conversed very little with the remaining characters. Which is a shame being she is one of the main characters.

Another critique I have is the ending. Oh how the ending was terrible. I cannot emphasize this enough. I don't want to spoil it for those who have not seen it, but when you do I'm sure you might agree.

Overall I was left somewhat disappointed with this film. I feel like it had all the right elements to deliver a gem of a film but didn't.  I've also heard that there is to be a sequel, let's just hope the writer and director step up their game.

I rate this film 6.5 stars.

For all those who are wondering how do I rate films these are the things I look for: Plot, Graphics, Acting, Film Score, Editing

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror Soundtrack List
5/10 STARS
Tis the season of Snow White!
Well I definitely made it my goal to view this spin off of Snow White versus the latter that will premiere in June, Snow White and The Huntsmen. Although this film was not to be taken to seriously and was geared towards a younger audience, it was good. The ending credits is what shocked me the most. The whole Bollywood sequence took me by surprise but was cute. I rate this film 5 stars.

Moneyball (viewed on TV)

8/10 STARS
Well let's just say that the trailer did not make an impression on me nor did the subject of baseball.
But I was wrong.
I applaud the acting efforts of Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill.
I loved the story line, and the more I re-watched this film the more I grew to admire it.
So I guess it really was worth the Oscar buzz.
I rate this film 8 stars.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Avengers

7.5/10 stars
The Avengers, a Marvel studio's film has returned to the big screen with a reunion of its' comics previous heroes. I not being the most dedicated fan in regards to these, had no idea what to expect from this film. It certainly wasn't boring and was brilliantly delivered. The graphics were stunning, as was the editing and the multiple jokes cracked by the characters. It truly was a great film. I recommend everyone to see it.

P.S Iron Man was my favourite avenger, and shortly I'll be checking out The Avengers OST soundtrack.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Hunger Games

6/10 STARS

I'm back.
First off, I went out and read the entire Hunger Games series prior to viewing the film. The film was the reason as for why I did this. Often times I find books adapted into films lack sometimes a strong enough base for viewers to grasp onto and understand the motive of characters. So said, so I witnessed last night. Thank goodness I had read the books. My friend who viewed the film with me had no previous knowledge of the film nor had she read any of the books. She found the film a bit confusing.

The one thing I must emphasize about this film; this being my major crtique; is that lack of dialogue. NOT ENOUGH DIALOGUE in this 2 hr 22 mins film. In comparison to the novel I found the characters lines choppy as well as the editing.

Another issue I had with this film was the elimination of the character Madge, as well as downplaying the relationship between Katniss, Cinna and her stylist team. These were all characters for whom I found were of great importance in particular the stylists team throughout the  entire series.

The Mockingjay pin worn by Katniss, and the reason as to how she obtained it ties into the elimination of Madge as a character, and also in my opinion ruined the importance and partial significance of the pin itself.

I feel given the very descriptive novel, and seeing how it was written from Katniss' point of view, I was surprised to find that no voice-over narration was done by Katniss in the film.

The film score music was also lacking, and I feel had the orchestral music been stronger, the action scenes would have been better delivered.

In general I wasn't pleased with the film especially since it had over 2 hours to make a great impression. In comparison to the book, I feel like it didn't do it enough justice.

Hopefully Catching Fire (the 2nd book) will turn out to be a much better film.

Some Movies I've seen...

Hey! It's been a while since I've updated my blog, actually it's been over 6 months. But below I've jotted down a quick summary of the films I have seen over the months. My blurbs on films I watch this summer commences again starting May, beginning with The Hunger Games.