Savages: "uncivilized"
That is the meaning of the term "savages".
All throughout the movie various characters used this term to describe the trio (Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, and Aaron Johnson). At the end of the film Black Lively used the term as well to describe themselves as "beautiful savages".
7 /10 STARS |
I ponder if the entire film revolved around the notion that humans are "savages" since they are killing each other and acting in an uncivilized manner all to obtain one thing: drugs.
The plot was great, and definitely had a zig zag pattern between characters. Character development was good, as we witnessed one character's strength equalled the weakness of another character. Interestingly the mother daughter relationship and motherly perspective added a great touch to the film (played by Salma Hayek).
The sexual content was absolutely unnecessary as I believe it is pretty much in 99% of films as it serves no purpose in evolving character's and the plot. Also this film had some gory scenes and was disturbing in quite a few scenes.
However the editing of this film was unique. The film itself was to be presented as a journal from Blake Lively's point of view and this is depicted in particular not only through black and white shots, but the alternate endings at the end of the film.
On another note (spoiler alert), I ponder a line said by Salma Hayek concerning the love triangle between Blake, Taylor and Aaron. Basically Salma points out that love is not equal (threesome wise) in which Taylor and Aaron's bond must be deeper since they allow each other to share Blake. I thought this was an interesting statement.
Overall, this film offered a blend of action, seduction and suspense. I rated this film 7 stars.