Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Oscar Buzz

It's sad. You may even think I'm a hypocrite.
The Oscars are coming up, and I barely know half the buzz.
Considering I'm a major movie lover, yeah it's just down right pathetic. To be honest my goal was to try and see all the movies that were nominated for Oscars and make my own predictions and compare them later to the actual winnings. As you can see, that will be a fail this year. But I will definitely try alot harder next year. And keep an eye out. To date, I have seen Black Swan, Tangled, Alice in Wonderland, and Inception (I think those are the only four I've watched  that have been nominated). But to be honest although I never saw what the big deal was with Inception. I do hope that Inception grabs an awards for Best Score Music. Although this may sound bias considering I haven't seen a handful of the movies nominated- but in comparison to the past movies I've seen in 2010 and 2011, Inception by far had one the best score music I've heard since Transformers(2007), where Steve J. was in charge of the original music. I'll try my best to catch a glimpse of the Oscars.

Defrosting of the Swan: Black Swan

On January 28th, I had the honor in viewing Black Swan. After anticipating the event for months, it was a relief to finally sink in the cinema chair with eyes straining to view the masterpiece at hand. What had first caught my eyes, was the trailer I had viewed months before. It was a dark twist to a delicate story in which urged me to view the movie as soon as it came out. Minutes into the movie, I had pondered the choice of screen shots the director had went along with. Multiple shots were filmed from the shoulder upwards, and we frequently viewed Natalie Portman's back of the head. I got the feeling that as a audience we were following  Portman, I ponder if this was a deliberate effect the director had wanted to achieve. The storyline itself was simple, the dark twisted fantasy of psychological mind games, and sexual pleasures brought the movie to another level. Had I foreseen this from the trailer? Not at all.  Yet again, the movie itself was completely different then what I had envisioned from the start.  The end was simple but the final line made a profound statement; and I applaud the directing of that scene as was all the script. Although  the scene I enjoyed most commenced from the climax ending towards the denouement where she finally is transforming into the black swan and performs it on stage. The score music that went along with the scene, as well as the stage makeup and acting I thought was well executed, and played a major role in bringing the movie together. All in all, i would rate this movie   7.75 stars out of 10.

It is one of those movies, that I would need to see again, in order to fully take in it's wonderful aspects.